2014년 10월 28일 화요일

정부 조달 사업과 여성 CEO 를 위한 세미나

 아일랜드 한인회에서는  21 한미 문화 축제를 좀더 업그레이드됀 모습으로 교민들의지속적인발전을 위해 KoBE usa 함께 개최합니다.언제나 한인사회발전을위해 많은 관심과후원을 감사드립니다.

이번에도21년을 맞은 한미 문화 축제 KoBE usa  함께 도전미국 정부조달 사업 세미나와 여성 CEO 위한 세미나 열고자 합니다.
 small business  경영하시는 분들에게 미국정부조달 사업방법과 workshop 통한  지속적인 지원 그리고 여성 CEO 들을 위한 사업경영방법과교육을 통해  현재의 경제를  아일랜드 한인회와 함께 미국 경제의 중심부로 입문하려 하는 문화 축제로 동포사회의 가장 의미있는 행사가  것입니다. 또한  문화센타를 위한  이행사를 통하여  차세대를 위한 많은 리더십클라스를 지속적으로 함으로 한인들을 도우려합니다.

이번 행사를 통해 우리 한인사회의 경제발전과 여성 CEO 리더십 그리고 자랑스런 우리 청소년들에게 미국 주류사회로 발돋음   있는 징검다리의 역할을  것입니다.

 행사에 참여해 주시는  모든 기관 들과 African American Commerce, Woman leader TV show, disable leadership Dr. Nixon,  여러분 들을 통하여한미상호관계도략과 고용 창출을 통해 여성들의 리더십을  돕고 또한 청소년들의 리더십, 한국댄스class 들과 장애인리더십클라스을 통해 미국의주역 리더로 세워지고 중소기업과 미국 정부기관협력체인  KoBE usa 공동으로 협력하여 우리 경제의 활성화를 도모   입니다자랑스런 한류 열풍과 더불어 우리와 우리의 자녀들이 재미 한국인임에 대한 긍지와 자부심을 갖게하는 중요한 행사입니다.

 중요한 행사에 함께하여  멋진 2세들의 징검다리가 되길 원합니다.

후원 약정서 다운 받기

2013년 10월 18일 금요일

High Performanc​e Taekundo Demo Team


Not just any Taekwondo, High Performance Taekwondo! Making Champions in and out of the ring since 1997. Train with Purpose. Live with Purpose!
To teach the Life skills of Respect, Positive Attitude, Focus, Courtesy, Integrity, Humility, Confidence, Loyalty, Discipline, and Perseverance through the Korean Martial Art and Sport of Taekwondo!
회사 소개
High Performance Taekwondo has been the premier Taekwondo Academy in the New York area over the past two decades. Taekwondo Masters, Instructors, and World and National competitors have traveled from Canada, Dominican Republic, Nepal, California, North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Rhode Island to train with and under the guidance of ...더 보기
All of our credentials are official and can be verified by USA Taekwondo which is the National Governing Body for Taekwondo in the U.S. Please verify any Instructor who claims to be an International or National Champion. High Performance TKD is the ONLY school with U.S. National Champion and U.S. National Team Members as Head Instructors teaching in all of our Academies!

첼로 앙상블

첼로 앙상블( 학생들)
멤버 7 – 8
곡명: Pump and Circumstance  No.1 – E. Elgar.
     Canon in D – J. Pachelbel
     그리운 금강산

Jericho DoDream Team ( 제리코 중학교 고등학교 )

모듬북 합주



Kyung Jin Jo(10)

Scott Kim(10)
Joseph Ahn(9)

Lawrence Park(9)

Christopher Lee(9)

Morgan Yi(9)

Seongjee Park(9)

Ellie Yoon(9)

James Kim(8)

Sean Yoo(8)





박봉구 사물놀이와 평화 통일 농악대

Vong Pak
Artistic Director of
VP Performing Arts Production Co (aka. VP Stage NY)/
Korean Drum.ORG
565 Prospect Place Suite 5A
Brooklyn NY 11238

빅토리아 강 프로파일 (안녕 코리아)

빅토리아 프로파일

전속 무용단 입단.
홍영주)댄스팀 입단 - 백지영.WAX.DUKE 다수 댄스트레이너.
댄스팀 입단 - 이효리.이수영.아이비. 슈가. 버블 시스터즈 다수 안무가겸 댄스 트레이너
단장( KOREA) - 바비킴 콘서트. 무브먼트 패밀리 콘서트 안무가겸 댄스 트레이너.
홍대 클럽 N.B 다수 공연.
방송 연예대학교 방송무용과 전임교수 역임.

Randy Bio

Randy Bio
Randy Brooks knew at a very young age that God was preparing him for the role of his life -That of Jesus in The award-winning musical, “The Promise.”
That preparation included traveling world-wide with his brother Bill in a musical group called The Brooks Brothers as well as playing piano for the famous J.D. Sumner and the Stamps Quartet. It was in the early summer of 1989 when Randy Brooks was cast as Jesus in the “The Promise”, which first premiered at the Texas Amphitheater in Glen Rose, Texas. Since that time Randy has performed that role over 3,000 times in the United States and Russia.
Now, more than ever before Randy is committed to not only playing the role of Jesus in “The Promise” but serving as Associate Producer in the development of other stage presentations that present the Judeo-Christian message.
Randy Brooks ( 뮤지컬 배우)
멤버:  2
곡명;  ‘You raise me up’ 노래를 부름